Saturday, June 11, 2011

::Project 2::

Research Image

Copy of research image

My design using the same techniques


  1. Great job! I like your original better than the one you copied from. You could use a little more regularity in the way that the drips are done. Try using the align tool with your individual anchor points to keep a straight line on the long linear part of the drips. It looks like yours have a slight curve along that line that makes it too thin or makes it disappear in sections.

  2. Yeah I really like my design a lot. I noticed that to and the drips had a curve to them because I did the whole image and then divided everything so when it divided it turned the long narrow part into its own shape instead of being connected to the top part of the drip. I really liked playing around with this. My design was supposed to look kind of like a B for Britney. My fourth project will be up tomorrow and I am going to make a W for Werle for my design and try to collaborate with my this project.
